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Inspire something unique.

Celebrate a special occasion with a WOW factor moment. Create a bespoke design and share the design experience.

Video explained in 2 mins.

A special gift for a special someone.

Inspiration always delivers a personal gift experience. Share your ideas, and we will work together to create the perfect gift.

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Inspiration delivered.

When the moment arrives, you can present your gift in a way that suits you or share the experience with your special someone.

Why not get started?

Create an ideas list to put your ideas together, this is a great way to start a bespoke design. Simply follow these three steps…


Browse through the designs on the website, keep track of designs, or elements of designs that you like.


Share your ideas with CMS and we can discuss them and start the process of bringing them to life.


With your preferences finalised we begin making your new piece of WOW factor jewellery.

Bespoke process

Start looking for ideas.

All CMS Jewellery


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