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Approaching from Combe Down

Grey map showing the area around Combe with a pin located over the CMS studio
  • Having arrived in Combe Down village from North Road.
  • Turn right onto Church Road and continue for 200m.
  • Turn left onto Summer Lane and go passed Byfield and Beechwood Road.
  • 150m after Beechwood Road, there’s a bungalow and driveway immediately after; turn right down the driveway.
  • There’s a small ‘Apprentice Store’ on the left.
  • The Studio is the first building on the right. Please park out front.
Grey map showing the area around Combe with a pin located over the CMS studio


Approaching from Monkton Combe

Grey map showing the area around Monkton Combe with a pin located over the CMS studio
  • From Monkton Combe village, follow Church Lane towards Summer Lane.
  • Continue along Summer Lane for 1.1km, going past Grey Lodge.
  • Follow the road through the woodland and continue for 200m.
  • There are houses on the right with a lay-by opposite.
  • Turn left down the driveway immediately after the lay-by.
  • There’s a small ‘Apprentice Store’ on the left.
  • The Studio is the first building on the right. Please park out front.
Grey map showing the area around Monkton Combe with a pin located over the CMS studio

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